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Lesson of nephrology - A pocket-size handbook of Renal Disease

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 192
Formato: , 21 x 13,5 cm.
Precio: 30,00
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Lessons of nephrology is a brief introduction to the scientific basis of the discipline. It covers all the topics providing the essential information to reach the correct diagnosis and to manage the kidneys diseases. A large part of he book is dedicate to the disorders of volume and ion composition of body fluids because they are related with symptoms that occur in diseases of heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, adrenal gland or after surgery, trauma and infections. Based on the Author?s didactic experience each chapter includes: ?Take it home? box that synthesizes the content of a chapter in a few sentences; ?Curious questions? box, a guess game of unexpected questions with surprising answers; ?Tricky case?? box that involves the reader in a clinical case presented with declared deceptive intention.


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