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Physics of Sailing

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 296
Formato: Paperback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 49,95
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Breaking down the complicated concepts of speed, acceleration, torque, fluid mechanics, and surface physics, this book provides an easily accessible introduction to the basic science underlying the sport of sailing. It illustrates how physics can be used to understand the principles of sailboat propulsion and how a scientific understanding of the boat, wind, and water can lead to more skillful sailing. The author discusses the difficulties of upwind sailing, compares the advantages of different sail and hull shapes and surfaces, and covers the dimensional analysis of turbulence and the structure of wakes. He also explores how the spectrum, reflection, and polarization of light lead sailors to "see" wind on the water.

General Physics
Plasmas & Fluids


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