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Monitoring Animal Populations and Their Habitats 'A Practitioner's Guide'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 296
Formato: Hardback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 89,95
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Focusing on monitoring animal populations and their habitats, this book discusses current monitoring approaches, planning and design concepts, as well as data analysis, reporting, and data storage. It establishes the basis for why, what, how, where, and when monitoring should be conducted; how to analyze and interpret the data; how to budget for monitoring efforts; and how to assemble reports of use in decision-making. The book takes a multi-scaled and multi-taxa approach focusing on monitoring several species, communities, and landscapes. It also explores the future of monitoring techniques, enabling researchers to better plan for the future of wildlife populations and their habitats.

Plant & Animal Ecology


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