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Water Crisis: Myth or Reality?

Editorial: Taylor & Francis   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 332
Formato: Hardback 246 x 174 mm
Precio: 162,94
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Examining global water issues and how to solve them, Water Crisis: Myth or Reality challenges the premise that the planet is heading towards a global water crisis. It looks at the issues and tries to unravel which conditions are permanent and unchangeable and which are remediable and changeable. The book explores recent breakthroughs in desalination technologies, the eco-sanitation revolution, international trade in agricultural products, water allocation, and pricing and devolution of property rights and the roles they play in solving water issues. Taking a multidisciplinary point of view, the editors make suggestions about how water issues may be solved in a deliberate, non-crisis manner.

Earth Sciences
Water Management and Sustainability
Environmental Studies


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