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Database Solutions: A step by step guide to building databases

Editorial: Addison Wesley   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 552
Precio: 68,59
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Are you responsible for designing and creating the databases that keep your business running? Or are you studying for a module in database design? If so, Database Solutions is for you! This fully revised and updated edition will make the database design and build process smoother, quicker and more reliable.

Recipe for database success

  • Take one RDMS ? any of the major commercial products will do: Oracle, Informix, SQL Server, Access, Paradox
  • Add one thorough reading of Database Solutions if you are an inexperienced database designer, or one recap of the methodology if you are an old hand
  • Use the design and implementation frameworks to plan your timetable, use a common data model that fits your requirements and adapt as necessary


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