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227 libros encontrados buscando autor: SERVET

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Main challenges in poultry farming. Marek's disease

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 80
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 30,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

MD is a lymphomatous and neuropathic disease of domestic birds caused by an alphaher-pesvirus. Fowls get infected by inhalation of infected dust from the poultry houses and the virus is shed from the feather follicle of infected birds. Chickens are the most important natural hosts for MD, which usually takes place at 12-30 weeks of age. Besides, MD is one of the most ubiquitous avian infections. It has been reported in chicken flocks worldwide. Every flock, except those maintained under strict pathogen-free conditions, is presumed to be infected. MD may cause important economic losses through a subclinical decrease in growth rate and egg production. Clinical signs observed include paralysis of the legs and wings and enlargement of peri-pheral nerves. Moreover, chickens may become persistently infected without developing clinical disease. According to the current situation, it is necessary to review and update this severe and widespread problem. To make it easier, the author, a prestigious specialist in this field, has developed a thorough assessment of this topic in a didactic and visual way. Many resour-ces (images, tables, graphs, etc.) have been included to facilitate the comprehension of this disease by the reader. This precise and straightforward information will help the vete-rinarians to know everything about this condition and tackle it properly.



Essential guides on cattle farming. Bovine mastitis

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 70
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 30,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland and udder tissue, and represents a major endemic disease of dairy cattle. It occurs as an immune response to bacterial invasion of the teat canal by variety of bacterial sources present on the farm or as a con-sequence of chemical, mechanical, or thermal injury to the cow?s udder. There is sometimes permanent damage to the udder. Severe acute cases can be fatal and lactations may be compromised despite of the apparent recovery of the mammary tissues. This condition is a very complex disease affected by several factors and it is usually presented subclinically in herds. Mastitis treatment and control supposes large costs to the industry and there are lots of losses due to this illness (reduction in yields, milk thrown away, extra labour, veterinary care and medicines, reduced longevity). In accordance with the current situation, an updated review has been carried out using graphic resources such as photos, tables, flowcharts, etc. The author, a specialist in this field, has developed an accurate handbook analyzing the most highlighted features of this condition and pointing out the main control measures to prevent it as maximum as possible. An interesting chapter referred to case investigation has been included to illustrate this topic in a more practical way.



Atlas of radiographic interpretation in small animals

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 260
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 70,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

This book, structured according to the normal anatomical areas in radiological diagnostic imaging: abdomen, neck, thorax, limbs, spine and head, offers the key aspects of both radiographic interpretation and the diagnosis of diseases, as well as a special chapter with the most common diagnostic errors. Its more than 500 high-resolution images are accompanied by the necessary text to increase their descriptive value. In addition, the book is complemented by multimedia material, which can be accessed through QR codes located throughout the text. In this way, the reader can access different normal radiographic anatomy diagrams, both with and without the anatomical details identified.



Cats. Pet owner educational Atlas

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 76
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 75,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

Each of the charts that make up this book has been thought to help veterinary surgeons transmit information in different fields and specialties of feline medicine to their clients, and includes small explanatory texts and tables that summarise the main con-cepts of interest. The clarity and precision of the drawings, designed to facilitate and reduce the time dedicated to giving explanations to owners, and the easy handling of the atlas thanks to the binding and finish chosen, turn it into another clinical tool.



Especie canina. Atlas de información al propietario

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 76
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 75,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

La creciente preocupación de los propietarios por la salud de su perro se traduce en una mayor demanda de información y de explicaciones por parte del veterinario. Este atlas tiene el objetivo de ayudar al veterinario en esta tarea comunicativa, ya que muestra una serie de ilustraciones de excelente calidad, en las que el clínico podrá apoyarse para que la transmisión informativa sea 100 % efectiva. Objetivo y alcance de la obra Cada una de las láminas está pensada para ayudar en los diferentes ámbitos y especialidades de la clínica canina y por ello se han estructurado por sistemas, reflejando muchas de las patologías más habituales en el perro. La claridad y precisión de los dibujos, ideados para facilitar y reducir el tiempo dedicado a las explicaciones al propietario, convierten este atlas en una herramienta clínica más.



Dogs. Pet owner educational atlas

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 76
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 75,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

Each of the illustrations is thought to help in the different fields and specialties of canine clinical medicine. That is why this atlas has been structured by systems and shows many of the most common diseases in dogs. The clarity and precision of the drawings, thought to facilitate and reduce the time spent on explanations to the owner, turn this atlas into another useful clinical tool.



Guía de atención al parto de la vaca

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 88
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 9,99
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 3 días.

Esta Guía de atención al parto de la vaca es un libro asequible, pero completo y exhaustivo, que explora a fondo todos los aspectos relacionados con el parto de la vaca, de forma didáctica y aplicativa. A pesar de que tenemos partos continuamente en nuestras granjas, muchas veces no reciben la atención que merecen, cuando realmente nos encontramos ante un hecho del que depende en gran medida el rendimiento y la economía de la explotación. Desde conocer los factores que predisponen a la distocia (el parto problemático), pasando por su prevención y el manejo de la vaca durante la gestación, las bases fisiológicas del parto y los problemas que podemos encontrar, hasta la actuación en el posparto con la vaca y su ternero recién nacido, este libro plantea las cuestiones más importantes de manera fácil y responde con sencillez a las preguntas que nos surgen.



Dermatology. Pet owner educational atlas

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 60
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 60,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

This illustrated work aims at helping veterinary surgeons to communicate with pet owners. In keeping with the previous volume about surgery, the illustrations of this atlas dedicated to dermatology will simplify the explanations given by vets to their clients about the anatomical, physiological and pathological characteristics of skin, as well as those about the diagnostic tests, treatments and surgical techniques that may need to be carried out in some cases. Every illustration was designed to help in the different clinical aspects of the dermatology consultation, from the anatomical and physiological considerations about the skin and its annexes, to the graphic description of infectious, inflammatory, endocrine, allergic or tumoral disease processes which cause dermatological conditions. The clarity and accuracy of the illustrations, designed to make the explanations given to owners easier to understand and less time consuming, turn this atlas into another useful clinical tool.



The basic stockmanship guide «Pigs, hogs and swine»

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 112
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 35,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

This guide is presented as a series of advice sheets, some of which can be used around the farm, that provide rapid information in a format easily understood by all members of the farm team. There are sheets to aid the stockmanship as well as the checking and auditing of biosecurity standards which are considered as the foundation stone of health on a pig farm. Other important aspects such as medicine, feeding, water, temperature, ventilation and flooring issues are explained in a very didactic manner.



60 Q&A sobre parasitología bovina

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 240
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 70,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

A través de 60 casos de preguntas y respuestas (Q&A), en los que se reflejan situaciones reales en la actividad profesional veterinaria, se lleva a cabo un repaso enteramente práctico de los endoparásitos y ectoparásitos que afectan a los bovinos. El libro se estructura en cuatro capítulos dedicados a los endoparásitos de los aparatos digestivo y respiratorio, a los endoparásitos sistémicos y a los parásitos cutáneos. Sus más de 260 imágenes y esquemas, le otorgan a esta obra un carácter de atlas de parasitología bovina.

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