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Scientific Programmer's Toolkit 'Turbo Pascal Edition'

Editorial: Taylor & Francis   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 438
Formato: Paperback 235 x 187 mm
Precio: 219,95
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

This toolkit package provides an integrated software library of programming tools. The programs and routines fall into three categories: graphical, mathematical, and utilities. Routines are further subdivided into three levels that reflect the experience of the user. For graphics and text handling routines, Level 0 provides an interface to the machine operating system. By using hierarchically structured routines, the clearly written text, and a wide range of example programs, software users can construct a user-friendly interface with minimal effort. The levels structure makes it easy for newcomers to use the Toolkit, and with growing experience, the user can achieve more elaborate effects.

Programming & Programming Languages
Mathematical Physics
Computational Numerical Analysis


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