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1 libro encontrado buscando autor: William A Kerr, Kurt K Klein, Andrew D O\'Rourke and Jill E. Hobbs

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Marketing Beef in Japan

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Hardback
Precio: 37,95
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The authors provide a thorough investigation into the nature of beef consumption in Japan. Written after the 1988 liberalization of Japanese beef import restrictions, Marketing Beef in Japan is of great interest to firms planning to export to Japan. Each of the main determinants of the demand for beef—prices, culture, and foreign competition for example—are analyzed in separate chapters which provides the reader with an in-depth understanding of the market. All economic concepts and terms used are explained simply for students of agricultural economics and those in the agriculture or food business who plan to market beef in Japan. The authors of this book provide a succinct summary of the latest information on this enigmatic market.

Meat & Poultry
Sales & Marketing Management


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