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Evapotranspiration Covers for Landfills and Waste Sites

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 216
Formato: Hardback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 125,95
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New, natural, self-renewing, and low-cost, evapotranspiration (ET) covers for landfills provide a solution to landfill waste that is clean, green, and economical. This book examines the conceptual theory and the practical proof, then explains the technology, design, and application. The author discusses why several existing vegetative covers have failed and provides a simple, inexpensive solution. He examines the design and construction of ET covers and other methods, highlighting their differences and successful alternative construction methods. The book also covers how the technology meets the requirements for covers on landfills, mining waste, and other sites.

Solid Waste & Recycling
Hazardous Waste & Materials
Soil Mechanics


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