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1 libro encontrado buscando autor: Quintela Arias, Luis Ángel;Becerra González, Juan José;García Herradón, Pedro

www.paquebote.com > Todos los libros > Essential guides on cattle farming. Uterine diseases



Essential guides on cattle farming. Uterine diseases

Editorial: Grupo Asís   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 74
Formato: 11 x 17 cm.
Precio: 35,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

Atlas focused on the main uterine diseases affecting bovine species,with a practical and visual approach, and written by renowned authors with a wide experience in the study of these conditions and their management and control in the field. All the diseases included in this work (clinical metritis, clinical/subclinical endometritis, pyometra...) have been thoroughly reviewed to help readers better understand them and include the most updated information, emphasizing diagnosis and treatment. Numerous graphic resources (images, graphs, tables, flow charts) have been included to complement the information provided and make the contents more understandable and accessible to readers.


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