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www.paquebote.com > Informática > Eclipse in Action: A Guide for Java Developers



Eclipse in Action: A Guide for Java Developers

Editorial: MANNING PUBLICATIONS   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 416
Precio: 56,11
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A guide to using Eclipse features and plug-ins effectively in the context of real-world Java development, this book shows Java developers and software architects how to test, debug, and work with the tools provided by Eclipse and other third-party open source plug-ins. Additionally, developers will learn how to use plug-in tools for using Eclipse in a team environment. Techniques discussed include using Ant for more sophisticated building processes and CVS for source control. Also covered are the essentials of building web applications using J2EE technologies such as JSP/Servlets and EJB. Information on self-hosted development is provided with an introduction to the Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE).


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