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202 libros encontrados buscando autor: Berry

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Viaje a Oriente «de Madrid a Constantinopla»

Editorial: Nausícaä   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 360
Formato: 21 x 13 cm.
Precio: 24,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 3 días.



Los caballeros de Salomón

Editorial: Seix Barral   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 536
Formato: Tapa dura con sobrecubierta
Precio: 5,95
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La poderosa orden medieval de los templarios poseía un conocimiento secreto que amenazaba los cimientos de la Iglesia y cuya revelación podría haber cambiado el rumbo de la Historia. Condenados por herejía, fueron aniquilados en el siglo XIV, y los rastros de su colosal saber se perdieron en los abismos de la Historia. Hasta hoy.
Cotton Malone, un ex agente secreto del gobierno americano, se ve envuelto en una persecución contrarreloj por descifrar ese enigma que los templarios codificaron. Su búsqueda pone al descubierto una peligrosa conspiración religiosa capaz de cambiar el destino de la humanidad y poner en entredicho la veracidad de los santos Evangelios.

Los caballeros de Salomón
ha vendido un millón y medio de ejemplares en Estados Unidos, donde ha permanecido tres meses en las listas de los libros más vendidos del New York Times, convirtiéndose en un fenómeno editorial en treinta y ocho países. Las novelas de Steve Berry son alabadas por escritores como Dan Brown, autor de El código Da Vinci. En sus manos, intriga y acción se combinan en el mejor y más ambicioso thriller sobre templarios escrito hasta la fecha.



La voz y el actor

Editorial: Alba   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 288
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 22,50
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 3 días.

"La voz y el actor" contiene el método de aprendizaje y producción vocal que Cicely Berry utiliza en la mítica Royal Shakespeare Company; un auténtico referente de la formación vocal para directores y actores teatrales que desde hace décadas, aporta ejercicios para el desarrollo de la relajación y el control de la respiración que permiten optimizar los recursos vocales para actores profesionales y oradores. "La voz y el actor" es indispensable para aproximarse al texto hablado o recitado y dotarlo de verdad y corporeidad personal.



Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8

Editorial: MACROMEDIA PRESS   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 1152
Precio: 50,91
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 4 días.

Powerful development and design tools require thorough and authoritative technical advice and documentation. When it comes to Macromedia Dreamweaver, no one is more authoritative than Macromedia’s own development and writing teams. Now their official documentation is available to you in printed book form. As you work, keep this guide by your side for ready access to valuable information on using Dreamweaver. We’ve designed it so that it’s easy to annotate as you progress. 

This book describes how to customize the Dreamweaver user interface to suit your working style, and to build Dreamweaver extensions to add functionality. It explains how each type of extension works and describes the application programming interface (API) functions that Dreamweaver calls in order to implement its various objects, menus, floating panels, server behaviors, and so on, providing a simple example for each type. The book also describes the utility API and the JavaScript API, which let you perform various supporting tasks when developing Dreamweaver extensions.

In Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, learn how to:
•    Create an extension that streamlines site development by providing a new Property inspector, panel, or dialog box to perform tasks Dreamweaver users encounter frequently
•    Rearrange the objects in the Insert bar, create new tabs to reorganize the objects, and add new objects
•    Change the names of menu items, add new commands to menus, and remove existing commands from menus
•    Change browser profiles and create new ones
•    Change the way third-party tags (including ASP and JSP tags) appear in the Document window’s Design view
•    Customize various Dreamweaver elements, including default documents, page designs, dialog boxes, workspace layouts, and the Code view toolbar

Includes the following books in the Macromedia online documentation:
• Extending Dreamweaver
• Dreamweaver API Reference



Hizkuntzen mundua. Munduko hizkuntzei buruzko txostena

Editorial: Universidad del País Vasco   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 456
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 15,00
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

Munduko Hizkuntzen Txostenaren helburua munduko egoera soziolinguistikoa aztertzea da: egungo gizateriaren ezaugarri den hizkuntz aniztasuna deskribatzea, hizkuntz uniformetasuneranzko joerak ebaluatzea, eta zenbait jarraibide edo hizkuntz plangintzarako neurri ezartzea, hizkuntz komunitate ahulenen edo arrisku handien duten komunitateen alde egiteko, eta hizkuntz plangintzan jarduten dutenek –gobernu funtzionarioek, erakundeetako aitzindariek, ikertzaileek eta komunitate kideek– neurri horiek ezarri ahal izateko.



La profecía Romanov

Editorial: Seix Barral   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 432
Formato: Tapa dura sin s/cub. (Cartoné)
Precio: 5,95
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La profecia Romanov

Editorial: Columna   Fecha de publicación:   
Precio: 22,15
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Internet and Personal Computing Fads

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Hardback
Precio: 44,95
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From Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to Hypertext to Y2K , Internet and Personal Computing Fads is an A-to-Z reference book written in a straightforward style that's informative enough for library use but informal enough for general reading. This essential guide takes a practical look at the most often-seen computer and Internet terms and describes them in easy-to-understand language. More than 100 entries are included, featuring historical backgrounds, popular and practical uses, interesting “fun facts,” and bibliographies. Detailed enough for reference use by academics, the book has a natural tone that will appeal to students, casual computer users, and those who are intrigued by the chaotic, fascinating, but often frustrating and daunting morass of information known today as the World Wide Web. To view an excerpt online, find the book in our QuickSearch catalog at www.HaworthPress.com.

Internet & Multimedia



The Human Factors of Transport Signs

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 280
Formato: Hardback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 129,94
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The ubiquitous nature of transport signs on roadways, railways, and in airports can lead to an overload of visual information, yet little research has been done to understand the design and use of such signs from a driver’s perspective. The Human Factors of Transport Signs explores key transport sign research and examines new technologies that are revolutionizing signaling. While concentrating largely on the road environment and general signing issues, the authors also address specific railway and other transport modality topics. International contributors discuss driver psychology and interaction with transport signs as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different types of signs.

Human Performance Modeling
Transportation Engineering



Internet and Personal Computing Fads

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Paperback
Precio: 24,95
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está ya disponible.

From Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to Hypertext to Y2K , Internet and Personal Computing Fads is an A-to-Z reference book written in a straightforward style that's informative enough for library use but informal enough for general reading. This essential guide takes a practical look at the most often-seen computer and Internet terms and describes them in easy-to-understand language. More than 100 entries are included, featuring historical backgrounds, popular and practical uses, interesting “fun facts,” and bibliographies. Detailed enough for reference use by academics, the book has a natural tone that will appeal to students, casual computer users, and those who are intrigued by the chaotic, fascinating, but often frustrating and daunting morass of information known today as the World Wide Web. To view an excerpt online, find the book in our QuickSearch catalog at www.HaworthPress.com.

Internet & Multimedia

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