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Frida Kahlo «National Homage. 1907-2007»

Editorial: RM Verlag   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 400
Formato: Cartoné
Precio: 50,00
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Frida Kahlo is most famous artist of Mexico; focus of interest toart lovers worldwide. This book, based on the retrospective exhibition held on the subject of the centenary of the artist, in theMuseo del Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, reflects the variety of interests arises. The 64 oil paintings that are reproduced, accompanied by essays from various Mexican and foreign scholars, art critics, writers, essayists, poets, anthropologists, architects, psychologists and experts in otherdisciplines. These approaches show that there are aspects ofthis iconic artist yet to be explored. The volume also includessome drawings, prints, and documentary materials in the exhibition, and a widespread recognition of Frida Kahlo and her place in the cultural life of twentieth-century Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes charge.


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