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Organisational design. Theory and practice

Editorial: Desclée De Brouwer   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 256
Formato: , 23 x 15,5 cm.
Precio: 23,00
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This work was conceived by its authors, professors at the Deusto Business School (DBS), with the purpose of providing a basic text on organisational design. Thus, it intends to offer the knowledge and skills necessary for the design of all kind of organisations.This book is aimed at any person studying this subject for the first time, maintaining the rigour required to reflect the possibilities and diversity of structural design in all its complexity at the same time.It comprises a collection of theories and concepts which form the theoretical basis, and real case studies to which these can be applied. These are leading companies in sectors ranging from the museum, the textile, and the automotive supplier industry, to the livestock-industrial, steel or professional service sectors.Based on the teacher-student interaction inherent in teaching, this book is a basic course on the subject which helps understand how organisations are designed and which, ultimately, intends to provide readers with the necessary knowledge and skills for structural design.


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