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Christians in Secular Society «A reading of Pedro Poveda's spiritual writings»

Editorial: Narcea   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 240
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 16,00
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This study reflects, the main lines that Pedro Poveda, as a person implicated in the religious, intellectual and social problems of his time exposed: the relationship between religion and society; the phenomenon of secularization; the role of lay Christians in a secular society; the Early Christian communities and their lifestyle as a paradigm for Christian life in the world, the search for a ?logical, just and Christian? feminism and the commitment with human and social promotion through education and culture.All these are questions that have their own place in Pedro Poveda?s spiritual project and in their particular solution, especially in the creation of the Teresian Association, an International Association for the Laity.


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