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A Question of Trust «Beyond Emotional Intelligence»

Editorial: ESIC   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 224
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 17,00
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A manager is a manager of people; he works with people and for people; he cannot do anything important without other people... Is there an issue that he must deal with and worry about before people?
A group tends to take more risks than the average member of the group would when deciding individually. There is a significantly positive correlation between happiness and creativity; we are more creative if we are in a good mood because we are predisposed to trusting and opening up to change. To achieve success, we must have dreamed it.
In a culture of trust, criticism flows freely, avoiding critical errors by management. Without trust there is no motivation or involvement; without creativity there is no perception of opportunities or effective prospects, and without them there will be no success for the organisation or for the individual. Demanding high standards is highly motivating if this is in an atmosphere of trust and involvement.
Introduction.- The road covered.- A decisive century.- The ideal twenty-first century organisation.- Individuals and their key interaction with organisations: main factors.- The individual: that not always rational being.- Relationships with other people.- The individual in the group: problems and effectiveness of groups.- The culture of trust in the life of organisation.- List of practical considerations.- Relevance of trust for society.- Conclusions- References.


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