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www.paquebote.com > Derecho > Reflections for quality democracy in a technological era (Papel + e-book) «(Part two)»

Reflections for quality democracy in a technological era (Papel + e-book) «(Part two)»

Editorial: Aranzadi   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 368
Formato: Rústica
Precio: 47,37
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This book reflects the enormous issues and concerns that have emerged amid our societies as consequence of the permanent interplaying between Technology and Democracy. Classical participation process in public matters is now a different and renewed participation. The classical right to be informed is now redesigned, provoking new scenarios and additional circumstances. Traditional parliaments are working with technology, but this relevant change can’t interfere over representation, legislation, oversight upon the executives, or any other parliamentary functions. Additionally, the electoral process is also changing, the technology has positive and negative influences over it. All of them should be thought and reflected on. Any improvement upon the classical right to vote must guarantee the best quality of Democracy. The three parts in which this work is divided, try to offer tools, reflections and proposals to continue paving the long road of our Democracy of course assuring its highest quality.


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