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Chief Wellbeing Officer «Building better lives for business success»

Editorial: LID   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 256
Formato: 21,6 x 13,8 cm.
Precio: 19,89
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

A human awakening for our digital world.
Right now is the best time to be alive. Of course, there are significant challenges in all areas of society, yet we are provided like never before with the tools, communication, awareness, and freedom to tackle these challenges head on. Chief Wellbeing Officer is for anyone who wants to help create a more human workplace, be that simply by re-discovering their own humanity at work or by implementing a strategy for all the workforce.
It is a comprehensive and accessible guide for individuals and enterprises of all shapes and sizes to improve health, happiness and to achieve high-performance. In an emerging future that is increasingly digital, artificially intelligent, and always ?on? it is those organizations who increase their care for humans that will thrive.
Let Steven and Rory take you on a journey, interwoven with their own stories, experiences and travels, that will allow the right questions to be considered instead of always jumping straight to the answer.
Because the future of work is now.


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