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50 Natural Wonders to Blow Your Mind

Editorial: GeoPlaneta   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 128
Formato: 17,8 x 12 cm.
Precio: 11,95
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From the people who have been delivering trustworthy guidebooks to every destination in the world for 40 years, Lonely Planet?s 50 Natural Wonders To Blow Your Mind will take you on a tour of the world?s most mind-boggling wild and wonderful places, and help you discover just how extraordinary our planet really is. 
In today?s age of information, there are smartphones in the most remote corners of our world and our cities are huge bustling metropolises growing larger by the day. But despite this cumulative urbanisation, there is a tacit understanding among the human race that connection to nature is an essential factor in our happiness.
For all our obsession with man-made wonders, nothing compares to the creations of Mother Nature. Vast underground cave systems, wild desert landscapes, breathtaking waterfalls, staggering geology and spectacular vestiges of our prehistoric past all remind us of our small place in earth?s story.
Even with our ever-expanding knowledge of the way the world has come to be, some landscapes still leave us utterly perplexed. This is the mystery and the majesty of the natural world. In this book we?ve attempted to capture just a fraction of what our planet has to offer, and we hope it inspires you to get out and find your own slice of pleasure in the great outdoors.


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