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A Beginner's Guide To Mathematica

Editorial: Chapman and Hall / CRC   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 736
Formato: Paperback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 77,95
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Although powerful and very popular in science and engineering, Mathematica can be difficult to learn because of its large command structure and intricate syntax. This book offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help newcomers to Mathematica build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Aimed at professionals with a good mathematics background, this book teaches by example, pointing out potential pitfalls along the way. In an easy-to-use format not found in other books and downloadable code furnished on the Internet, it covers many of the general areas of mathematics, including entering equations, plotting, computing ordinary and partial differential equations, and linear algebra.

Applied Mathematics
Mathematics & Statistics for Engineers
Electrical & Electronic Engineering


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