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Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition

Editorial: Chapman and Hall / CRC   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 296
Formato: Hardback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 92,95
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

Valuable to everyone who produces, uses, or evaluates scientific data, Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition provides straightforward discussion of basic statistical techniques and computer analysis. The purpose, structure, and general principles of the book remain the same as the first edition, but the treatment now includes updates in every chapter, additional topics, and most importantly, an introduction to use of the MINITAB Statistical Software. The presentation of each technique includes motivation and discussion of the statistical analysis, a hand-calculated example, the same example calculated using MINITAB, discussion of the MINITAB output and conclusions.

Mathematics & Statistics for Engineers
Analytical Chemistry


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