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Frontiers of Forest Biology 'Proceedings of the 1998 Joint Meeting of the North American Forest Bi

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Hardback
Precio: 119,95
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This book offers significant new insights on current initiatives in forest biology as the emphasis in forest research shifts from productivity-based goals to sustainable development of forest resources. You will find a comprehensive summary of the state of the art of forest science in North America. Whether your focus is on genetics or on the environmental aspects of forest science, plant physiology, or silviculture, you will find helpful chapters by practitioners as well as cutting-edge research by scientists. This integrated approach is unique in the field. Frontiers of Forest Biology addresses changing priorities in forest resource management. This important book contains fascinating research studies, complete with tables and diagrams, on topics such as biodiversity research, the productivity of commercial species, conserving adaptive variation in forest ecosystems, and the effect of harvesting trees on nutrient leaching.



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