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Evolutionism: Present Approaches.

Editorial: Netbiblo   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 248
Formato: Cartoné
Precio: 40,00
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From a contemporary viewpoint, evolutionism appears as a multifaceted realm. On the one hand, a historical analysis reveals a clear diversity of evolutionisms to be considered, where Darwinism is a key conception that was preceded and followed by other evolutionary views. On the other hand, a philosophical-methodological study of those evolutionisms (among them, the influential conception developed by Charles Darwin) has a richness that exceeds the contents of any standard book. In effect, evolutionism has a strong influence on science (above all, in biology) with philosophical consequences that are relevant for general philosophy and methodology of science as well as for special domains (philosophy of biology, philosophy of economics, etc.). In addition, evolutionism has an undeniable repercussion in central parts of philosophy, such as theory of knowledge, metaphysics, and ethics.


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