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Voices On the Past. Studies in Old and Middle English Language and Literature.

Editorial: Netbiblo   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 240
Formato: Rústica, 23 x 15,5 cm.
Precio: 31,00
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The purpose of this volume is to offer a number of scholarly papers dealing with various aspects of medieval English language and literature. Voices on Medieval is organised in three main sections, according to contents: (1) medical and scientific texts and manuscripts, (2) language and linguistics, and (3) literature and culture. Bibliographic references and primary sources are given after each article, preceding the notes. We have devoted a special section to studies which portray ongoing research in the field of scientific and medical manuscripts. These essays correspond to a reflection of projects and individual work currently carried out in different European research centres and universities, such as in the Department of English of the University of Helsinki, in the Department of Modern Philology of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and in the Department of English of the University of Málaga. This special section will represent, we hope, a further contribution to the field and, also, to the forthcoming titles by Irma Taavitsainen and Päivi Pahta Medical and Scientific Writing in Late Medieval English (OUP) and Corpus of Middle English Medical Texts (John Benjamins).


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