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Ultra-wideband Radar Technology

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 424
Formato: Hardback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 184,95
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Ultra-wideband Radar Technology is a guide to the future of radar as seen by an international team of experts. They present the problems, solutions, and examples of ultra-wideband (UWB) radar remote sensing. Chapters discuss the theory and ideas for future systems development and their potential capabilities. The writers present concepts such as the differences between UWB and conventional radars, improving over-resolved target detection, receivers and waveforms, micropower systems, high-power switching, and bistatic radar polarimetry. This book offers a unique opportunity to explore the theory, applications, and technology of UWB radar within a single source.

Electromagnetics & Microwaves
Digital Signal Processing


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