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Methods in Cell Wall Cytochemistry

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 336
Formato: Hardback 235 x 156 mm
Precio: 199,95
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Methods in Cell Wall Cytochemistry compiles various methodologies designed to study cell walls. Topics include the use of modern dyes, fluorescent chemicals, lectins, antibody technology (immunocytochemisty), cell wall morphology and chemical composition as well as light and fluorescent cytochemistry; transmission electron microscopic cytochemistry; lectin cytochemistry; and, special emphasis on immunocytochemistry. It includes standardized methodologies and offers a detailed introduction on the cell wall and its chemicals as well as tissue preparation methodologies. This book will appeal to plant pathologists, cell biologists, workers interested in stress response, and those employing cell walls for biotechnological research.

Cell Biology


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