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Fun with Photoshop Elements 3: Foto-Fakery for Everyone

Editorial: SAMS   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 224
Precio: 23,87
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Wish your ex-boyfriend wasn't in that great picture of you with your family? Cut him out! Hate the shirt you're wearing in the picture of you with your best friend? Change the color! You can do all of this and more with Photoshop Elements 3 and Fun with Photoshop Elements 3 can show you how. Get your feet wet and your hands dirty with this cheeky look at how to use the program for fun. Learn the key tools and tricks through objective-based lessons that will show you how to complete a task quickly and easily so you can move on to the next task. By the end of the book, you will be able to combine elements of two photos into one image, perform "head transplants," makeover your clothes or face, edit people into and out of images and graft images together to create giant, mystical creatures. The possibilities are endless-let us help you reel them in!


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