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Parasites of Homo sapiens 'An Annotated Checklist of the Protozoa, Helminths and Arthropods for wh

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 152
Formato: Paperback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 59,95
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This volume details the distribution and abundance of parasites, offering crucial information to zoologists, parasitologists, and scientists studying the practical aspects of disease control. The book provides a complete list of parasites recorded to have infected humans under natural conditions, and also describes the salient characteristics of each organism. The notes that accompany each entry explore taxonomic details and the origins of the parasites. The structure of each entry includes: the official name of the parasite; synonyms; status of reported human cases; geographical distribution; habitat on humans; hosts; transmission mechanisms; human risk factors; and indication of host-specificity status.



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