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59 libros encontrados buscando autor: REDDY

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No, no te equivoques, Trump no es liberal «Por qué Trump es populista, proteccionista, machista, autoritario y nacionalista, pero en ningún caso liberal»

Editorial: Deusto   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 280
Formato: 23 x 15 cm.
Precio: 5,95
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 4 días.

Coordinados por el periodista econo?mico John Mu?ller, 10 exper- tos analizan las medidas llevadas a cabo por Donald Trump desde su reciente eleccio?n como Presidente de Estados Unidos para dictaminar que su poli?tica e ideologi?a bajo ningu?n concepto pue- den catalogarse como liberales, tal y como algunas voces libera- les han venido proclamando en los u?ltimos tiempos. En este sen- tido, personalidades e ilustres liberales tales como Lorenzo Bernaldo de Quiro?s, Juan Ramo?n Rallo, Luis Torras, Toni Rolda?n, Ian Va?squez o Mari?a Blanco analizan con profundad cuestiones tales como los valores de Trump y su poli?tica scal, inmigratoria e internacional. Asimismo, se analiza quie?n ha votado a Trump y se re exiona en que? sentido las cuestiones geopoli?ticas y econo?mi- cas globales pueden verse afectadas bajo su mandato. 



Electroquímica moderna

Editorial: Reverté   Fecha de publicación:   
Precio: 40,22
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

En la redacción del texto de este libro se ha procurado empezar cada capítulo a un nivel muy simple e ir incrementando hasta llegar a un nivel que permita la conexión con las monografías especializadas. El nivel a que se presentan las diferentes materias ha sido intencionadamente variable, dependiendo en particular del grado en que parece haberse extendido el conocimiento del material.



The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, Third Edition

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 524
Formato: Hardback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 149,94
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Considered to be among the very best in the field, this masterwork from renowned experts J. N. Reddy and David Gartling is the latest version of a book that has long been relied upon by practicing engineers, researchers, and graduate students. Noted for its powerful methodology and clear explanations of the subject, this third edition contains considerably more workable exercises and examples associated with problems in heat conduction, incompressible viscous flow, and convection heat transfer. It also uses applied examples to show realistic examples of FEM in thermal and fluid design analysis.
• Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis
Fluid Mechanics



Introduction to Biology and Biotechnology, Second Edition

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 625
Formato: Hardback 235 x 187 mm
Precio: 79,95
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Including recent advances, this edition focuses on sustainable development and human welfare in biology, genetics, microbial biotechnology, and molecular medicine. While written for engineers specializing in biotechnology, those in agriculture, veterinary science, and medicine, will find new information relevant to their practice. It links biological principles to plant, animal, environmental, industrial, and medical biotechnologies, discusses concepts of genetics and molecular biology, and examines developments in the production of biopolymers, vaccines, gene therapy, bioremediation, biofuels, and biofertilizers.

Molecular Biology



Biogeochemistry of Wetlands 'Science and Applications'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 800
Formato: Hardback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 146,94
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Elucidating the environmental impact of pollutants and the role freshwater and coastal wetlands play in global climate change, Biogeochemistry of Wetlands is the first source to focus entirely on the chemical and biological cycling of nutrients, trace elements, and toxic organic compounds in wetland environments. It covers electrochemistry, biochemical processes, and transformation mechanisms for naturally occurring and toxic compounds. Topics also include redox-pH conditions, wetland plant adaptation, and microbial-mediated processes. Case studies present findings from biogeochemical research conducted on freshwater (Florida Everglades) and coastal wetlands (Mississippi Delta).

Water Engineering
Soil Science




Editorial: Sirio   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 325
Precio: 18,50
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Ocean Environment and Fisheries

Editorial: Science Publishers   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 550
Formato: Hardback 229 x 152 mm
Precio: 129,94
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

This book contains detailed information on the physical, chemical and biological ceanographic features at various depths for all the 15 regions of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans as categorized by the Food and Agriculture Organization, and on the commercially important marine fishes and details of fish catches in all the 15 regions of the major oceans since 1950. The book provides maximum and minimum annual mean values of various oceanographic factors at different depths and yearly average catches of major fish categories found from an analysis of the distribution of various oceanographic factors and fish catch data for oceans. It also briefly contains some of the recent studies carried out on the influence of oceanographic factors on fisheries. The work studies fisheries forecasts and also reviews factors which influence fisheries in various regions of the major oceans. The book is intended for scientists, teachers and students specializing in fishery oceanography, physical oceanography,

Marine & Aquatic Science



Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells, Second Edition

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 568
Formato: Hardback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 106,95
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Incorporating new, revised, and updated information, this book presents a complete and up-to-date treatment of classical and shear deformation plates and shells, from the basic derivation of theories to analytical and numerical solutions. This second edition provides new material on the theory and analysis of shells, featuring an additional chapter devoted to the topic. The book includes new sections that address Castigliano's theorems, axisymmetric buckling of circular plates, the relationships between the solutions of classical and shear deformation theories, and the nonlinear finite element analysis of plates. It also contains many figures of theories, formulations, and solution methods.
• Series in Systems and Control
Transportation Engineering
Aerospace Engineering



Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry

Editorial: Chapman and Hall / CRC   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 272
Formato: Paperback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 199,95
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

A valuable addition to the Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics series, this reference results from a conference held in St. Petersburg, Russia, in honor of Dr. Z. Borevich. This volume is mainly devoted to the contributions related to the European Science Foundation workshop, organized under the framework of noncommuntative geometry and integrated in the Borevich meeting. The topics presented, including algebraic groups and representations, algebraic number theory, rings, and modules, are a timely distillation of recent work in the field. Featuring a wide range of international experts as contributors, this book is an ideal reference for mathematicians in algebra and algebraic geometry.
• Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics



Restoration and Management of Tropical Eutrophic Lakes

Editorial: Science Publishers   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 534
Formato: Hardback 229 x 152 mm
Precio: 119,95
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 7/14 días

This book is an essential knowledge base for both ecological restoration and management. Although tropical lakes are not identical, and therefore require individually developed and restoration and management practices; there are general principles in both restoration and management that can be derived from the case histories in this book and the limnological literature in general.

Soil Science

[1-10]  [11-20]  [21-30]  [31-40]  [41-50]  [51-59]  

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