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Human-Computer Interaction 'Design Issues, Solutions, and Applications'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 382
Formato: Hardback 279 x 216 mm
Precio: 89,95
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Hailed on first publication as a compendium of foundational principles and cutting-edge research, The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook has become the gold standard reference in this field. Derived from select chapters of this groundbreaking resource, Human-Computer Interaction: Design Issues, Solutions, and Applications focuses on HCI from a privacy, security, and trust perspective. Under the aegis of Andrew Sears and Julie Jacko, expert practitioners address the myriad issues involved when designing the interactions between users and computing technologies. As expected in a book that begins by pondering "Why we should think before doing", you get an interdisciplinary resource that explores the relationship between people and technology.
• Human Factors and Ergonomics
Cognitive Ergonomics
Human Computer Interaction
Human Performance Modeling


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